Thursday, May 19, 2011

The newest member of our group... the WIENER WHEEL!!!

Meet Walter the Wiener Wheel!!

Dear to our hearts, this little fellow was left in the middle of the road to fight for his life. Thankfully as we left Luke's, our day took a turn for the awesome, because we found him stranded and decided he would become part of our group. I lept out of the car, and if anyone from up above was watching, they were able to witness a 2011 version of Frogger, live in action. Weaving in and out of semi's, women on bicycles, hot air balloons, and heavy jet stream.... I was able to rescue Walter from the road and toss him in to the car. Remnants of oil, crap, garbage, and dirt stained my jeans and the back of Amys car... but it was well worth it. We gained a wheel. A wiener wheel.

Oh Walter, you're so funny! 

The Wiener Wheel will be passed down to a member of the group each week - there is no set standards, requirements, or specifications. Sometimes it's the best order, sometimes its the dedication, sometimes its the gossip they bring to the lunch table. It's up in the air for well as also sitting in Renee & I's office. Come on by and wish Walter the Wiener Wheel a warm welcome!

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